1 flowered tree
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > flowered tree
2 flowered tree
Математика: цветущее дерево -
3 flowered tree
мат. -
4 staminate-flowered tree
Лесоводство: дерево с мужскими цветами, дерево с тычиночными цветами, мужское деревоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > staminate-flowered tree
5 staminate-flowered tree
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > staminate-flowered tree
6 staminate-flowered tree
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > staminate-flowered tree
7 tree
1) дерево, древо || засаживать деревьями2) древовидная схема; древовидная структура3) т. граф. дерево- mixed star tree - plane tree- set tree -
8 цветущее дерево
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > цветущее дерево
9 aster
2) цитол. звезда•- Alpine aster
- aromatic aster
- bog aster
- bushy aster
- calico aster
- China aster
- dense-flowered aster
- eastern silvery aster
- few-flowered aster
- frost-weed aster
- great aster
- great northern aster
- heath aster
- Italian aster
- large-flowered aster
- leafy-bracted aster
- mountain aster
- New York aster
- northeastern aster
- panicled aster
- prairie aster
- Rhone aster
- saline aster
- salt-marsh aster
- sea aster
- seaside aster
- serpentine aster
- silk-seed aster
- skydrop aster
- slender aster
- small-headed aster
- smooth aster
- starved aster
- stokes aster
- swamp aster
- swamp southern aster
- tansy-leaved aster
- tree aster
- various-leaved aster
- white wood aster* * *• астра• звезда -
10 aster
aster звезда; звездообразная ахроматиновая структура, окружающая центросому во время митоза; звездообразное расположение хромосом на стадии метафазы митозаEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > aster
См. также в других словарях:
tree lilac — noun : a lilac of treelike form; especially : a broad spreading white flowered Japanese tree (Syringa amurensis japonica or S. japonica) that may exceed 35 feet in height … Useful english dictionary
tree heath — noun a white flowered shrub of the heather family, with woody nodules that are used to make briar pipes. [Erica arborea.] … English new terms dictionary
tree medic — noun : a shrubby yellow flowered medic (Medicago arborea) of southern Europe that is sometimes used as an ornamental … Useful english dictionary
flame-tree — flameˈ tree noun 1. A thick stemmed Australian tree, Brachychiton acerifolium, with glossy leaves and scarlet bell shaped flowers 2. Applied to various other trees, specif the flamboyant tree (see under ↑flamboyant), the yellow flowered Acacia… … Useful english dictionary
White Tree of Gondor — In J. R. R. Tolkien s fantasy universe of Middle earth, the White Tree of Gondor stood as a symbol of Gondor in the Court of the Fountain in Minas Tirith.The White Tree also appears as a motif upon Gondor s flag and throughout its heraldry,… … Wikipedia
Tea Tree Gully, South Australia — Tea Tree Gully is a suburb in the greater Adelaide, South Australia area, under the City of Tea Tree Gully.The suburb acquired it s name from the white flowered tea trees ( Leptospermum lanigerum ) that grew in the gully. Their leaves were brewed … Wikipedia
The Rose-Tree — is an English fairy tale collected by Joseph Jacobs in English Fairy Tales . [Joseph Jacobs, English Fairy Tales , [http://www.authorama.com/english fairy tales 5.html The Rose Tree ] ] It is Aarne Thompson type 720, my mother slew me; my father… … Wikipedia
Loblolly tree — Loblolly Lob lol ly, n. [Etymol. uncertain.] Gruel; porridge; so called among seamen. [1913 Webster] {Loblolly bay} (Bot.), an elegant white flowered evergreen shrub or small tree, of the genus {Gordonia} ({Gordonia Lasianthus}), growing in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Judas tree — Ju′das tree n. 1) pln a purple flowered Eurasian tree, Cercis siliquastrum, of the legume family, supposed to be the kind of tree upon which Judas hanged himself 2) pln any of various other trees of the same genus, as the redbud • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
Judas tree — /ˈdʒudəs tri/ (say joohduhs tree) noun 1. a purple flowered leguminous European and Asian tree, Cercis siliquastrum. 2. any of various other trees of the same genus, as the redbud. {from the popular belief that Judas Iscariot hanged himself on a… …
elephant tree — noun small tree or shrub of the southwestern United States having a spicy odor and odd pinnate leaves and small clusters of white flowers • Syn: ↑Bursera microphylla • Hypernyms: ↑incense tree • Member Holonyms: ↑Bursera, ↑genus Bursera * * * … Useful english dictionary